On 14-15 April 2014, the General Prosecutors from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia will meet with their counterparts from various EU Member States, representatives of EUROJUST and the European Judicial Network at the premises of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice in The Hague, the Netherlands. The conference will be organized by the EU-funded IPA 2010 project “Fight against Organised Crime and Corruption: Strengthening the Prosecutors’ Network” and aims to present the achievements recorded over the last 2,5 years in the international cooperation on fighting organised crime and corruption not only in the Western Balkans but also in the EU Member States.
Following the signature, in 2004, of a Memorandum of Understanding between the General Prosecutors of the enlargement countries mentioned above, good working relations were established between prosecutor’s offices in the Western Balkans. Today, hundreds of cross border requests are processed from one country to another in the framework of investigations and prosecutions related to organised crime. A network of friendly, trustful relations has emerged and provides a strong basis for a daily professional exchange and cooperation.
The project assisted the beneficiaries in the enlargement countries in further aligning their legislation to the EU acquis communautaire, strengthen cooperation with European judicial institutions, and improve regional cooperation among prosecutors` offices and law enforcement authorities. Additionally, the project supported numerous cross border operations and investigations, leading to the dismantle of organised crime structures within the Western Balkans and EU Member States.
For further information please contact:
Eric Vincken, Project Manager International: vincken@cilc.nl
Thomas Meyer, Project Manager Western Balkans: thomas.meyer@giz.de