Transparency and aid effectiveness

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Over the past decade, transparency and accountability have gradually moved higher up the international development agenda. Both development providers and partners have repeatedly signed agreements to improve transparency and accountability, and one of the most ambitious and concrete commitments to come out of these was to make development cooperation more transparent by implementing a common, open standard for aid information by December 2015.

The common standard

The common standard enables providers of development cooperation to make aid information more transparent along four dimensions: greater availability of historical, current and future information on aid flows; more detailed information on projects (improved comprehensiveness); broader coverage and participation (beyond Official Development Assistance and beyond traditional donors); improved timeliness and more frequent updates of development financing information.

Reliable link

CILC wants to become a reliable link in the ever growing network of development organisations that apply the principles and tools of effective aid delivery. Since the launch of our website in November 2014 we publish detailed information about our projects in a more accessible and open manner. For us this is a first step in the direction of becoming a contributor of development work information in open data format. The process on which we have embarked for this includes opening our data, monitoring quality and adjusting procedures internally, with the intention to actually publish to IATI as soon as we are ready.