Western Balkans // Project website launched

Western Balkans // Project website launched

Project website IPA2017 launched On 4 and 5 October 2018, the entire project team of the IPA2017 project ‘Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans’ met in The Hague for a team meeting. During this meeting, cooperation within the so-called Embedded Country Teams...
Western Balkans // Project website launched

Tunisia // Integrity project: Dutch-Tunisian cooperation

On 26 September 2018, CILC presented to INLUCC (Instance Nationale de Lutte Contre la Corruption) and the Dutch Embassy in Tunis the main findings, conclusions and recommendations of the baseline study. INLUCC operates in a volatile environment and during the...
Western Balkans // Project website launched

Ukraine // TV documentary on probation

On September 5th 2018, a reporter from Magnolia-TV in Ukraine interviewed CILC project manager Lino Brosius about the Dutch-Ukrainian Matra project on probation and alternative sanctions, the role of probation in the criminal justice system, and the benefits of...
Western Balkans // Project website launched

The Netherlands // Promoting International Legal Cooperation

The Netherlands has a strong interest in international cooperation in the fight against terrorism, organized crime and cybercrime. That is why various Dutch partner institutions are committed to strengthening the justice sector and security structures abroad. Dutch...
Western Balkans // Project website launched

The Hague // Shiraka training on legislation

The 2018 Shiraka Training on Legislation took place between 28 June to 6 July 2018. Participants from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Sudan, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates. The diversity facilitated great richness...
Western Balkans // Project website launched

Indonesia // Vice Chief Justice Mr. Sunarto visits The Hague

by Manon Tiessink ‘We are like one family’ said Mr. Sunarto, Vice Chief Justice of the Indonesian Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung), during his visit to the Dutch Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) in the Hague. He and eight other justices and assistants were invited by the...
Western Balkans // Project website launched

Ukraine // The current practice of probation supervision

By Lino Brosius How do you design a supervision action plan together with a probation client? How do you combine control and guidance to keep offenders on the right track? Last week CILC and CJS carried out an assessment to determine the nature of supervision work in...
Western Balkans // Project website launched

Ukraine // Round table probation information and tailored sanctioning

By Lino Brosius On 19 and 20 June 2018 a round table on probation information and tailored sanctioning for Ukrainian public prosecutors and judges took place in Kiev. CILC and CJS organised this two-day meeting together with the Ukrainian probation service, which...
Western Balkans // Project website launched

OpEd // The EU must protect, not discard, Albania’s reforms

by Willem van Nieuwkerk Barely noticed amid the European Union’s political debates over Brexit, migration and the fight against terrorism, a well thought-out reform agenda has been followed in the Republic of Albania, showing that it is possible to seed and grow...
Western Balkans // Project website launched

Western Balkans // Cooperation with Eurojust

On 11 June 2018, the IPA2017 project ‘Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans’ supported the Montenegrin prosecution office in organizing the conference ‘Eurojust and cooperation with third states: experiences and challenges in the Western Balkans countries’....
Western Balkans // Project website launched

Albania // Kick-off of justice reform project

On 13 June 2018, the official kick-off of the EURALIUS V project took place in Tirana. The EURALIUS mission is a broad justice reform mission to assist the Albanian authorities in the process of judicial reform. Whereas the previous phase of EURALIUS focused on the...
Western Balkans // Project website launched

Together for Accountability // Special Prosecutor visits The Hague

From 28 May to 1 June 2018, 7 investigators, legal assistants and the Special Public Prosecutor, Ms. Katica Janeva, of Macedonia’s Special Public Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) came to the Hague for a study visit. The visit took place in the framework of the project...
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