Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

Debate // Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

The Embassy of Albania to the Netherlands and CILC are organizing a debate on Rule of Law Reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution. The main objective of this event is to discuss rule of law related reforms in Albania in view of alignment with chapters 23 and...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

The Hague // Mayor Pauline Krikke visits CILC

On Thursday 3 May 2018, CILC had the honor of welcoming the Mayor of The Hague Pauline Krikke. The Mayor wanted to learn more about how CILC is promoting The Hague as the International City of Peace and Justice. Chairman of the supervisory committee Reinier van...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

Shiraka // 2017-2018 programme completed successfully

The 2017-2018 Shiraka Legislation Training Programme successfully came to an end in April 2018 in Cairo. The three day training was a follow up to the 10 day training that took place in The Hague in November 2017.  The workshop in Cairo focused on the Integrated...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

Birzeit University // Conference on international environmental law

Early April 2018, the Faculty of Law and Public Administration at Bir Zeit University – in collaboration with CILC – organized its annual international academic conference entitled “The Search for Environmental and Climate Justice in Palestine: National...
Western Balkans // Fight against organised crime

Western Balkans // Fight against organised crime

Following its involvement in the fight against organized crime through the regional Western Balkans IPA2010 project ‘Fight against organized crime and corruption: strengthening the Prosecutors’ Network of the Western Balkans’ and the IPA2014 project ‘International...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

Indonesia // Training on corruption and corporate crimes

Ten investigators and prosecutors of the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) participated in an one week training on handling corruption, money laundering and corporate crimes. The training took place in the meeting & training space of CILC in The...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

New Law Journal // Crimmigration & Recht

  Crimmigratie & Recht (C&R) is a new law journal on the subject of ‘crimmigration’, issued by publishing house Boom juridisch. Crimmigration is the latest development in law, combining immigration law and criminal law to regulate migration or to...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

The Hague Rules // First meeting of the Drafting Team at CILC

The first meeting of the Drafting Team of The Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration was held on 25-26 January 2018 at the Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC). The purpose of the first meeting of the Drafting Team was to identify and to...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

Zagreb // Closing Conference of the Twinning project

On Tuesday 13 March 2018 the closing conference of the Twinning project “Enhancing the quality of judicial training – by upgrading EU law and on-line trainings” was organized at the Judicial Academy in Zagreb. The conference was opened by Ms Andrea Posavec Franić,...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

Macedonia // Together for Accountability

On 5th March 2018, the Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC) supported by the Netherlands Prosecution Office and the Netherlands Embassy in Skopje launched the project “Together for Accountability: Supporting the Special Public Prosecutor Office of...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

Call for experts // EURALIUS V

The German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) is recruiting 8 international long-term experts for the EU-funded project “Consolidation of the Justice System in Albania (EURALIUS V)”. The overall objective of EURALIUS V is to strengthen the...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

Making a Difference // Conference

By Santy Kouwagam On 14 February 2018, the Ministry of Justice and Security of the Netherlands held a conference focusing on capacity building activities in the justice and security sector, in particular from the perspective of the beneficiary countries. During the...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

The IAK // Integrated impact assessment framework

The IAK (Integraal Afwegingskader beleid en regelgeving) is a Dutch impact analysis tool. This tool has been developed by the Dutch government to provide structure for civil servants in formulating sound policy and legislation. Using the IAK highlights all relevant...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

Romania // CILC and IRZ visit Romanian Prosecutor General

On 19 February 2018, Willem van Nieuwkerk and Julie Trappe (IRZ) visited the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and met with Prosecutor General Mr Augustin Lazar, First Deputy Prosecutor General Ms Laura Oprean, Deputy Chief...
Debate //  Rule of law reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU contribution

Indonesia // Netherlands Rule of Law and Security Update

by Manon Tiessink Transitioning ‘from the rule of law to a culture of law’’ is what Indonesia needs according to Yenni Wahid, Director of the Wahid Institute and daughter of late president Wahid. She and some 300 participants gathered for the annual conference...
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