Indonesia // Indonesia and Dutch Ombudsman Leadership Retreat
On December 19th and 20th, CILC facilitated a leadership retreat in Bogor, Indonesia…
Western Balkans // Connections between EPPO and the WB strengthened
During a seminar in Podgorica on 27 and 28 November 2023…
Moldova // Office of the Liaison Prosecutor of Moldova at EUROJUST
Office of the Liaison Prosecutor of Moldova to EUROJUST was opened….
Anne-Marie Bruist appointed as interim-director at CILC
Recently, Anne-Martie Bruist started her duties as interim-director at CILC…
Bosnia & Herzegovina // Study Visit to The Netherlands
Delegation of prosecutors and judges from BiH visited the Netherlands…
Montenegro // Signing of HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention
Festive ceremony at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague
Indonesia // Celebrating cooperation between judicial training centres
CILC celebrates the close of a successful chapter in Indonesia
Indonesia // Support in the development of inclusive legislation
On January 16-20, 2023, intensive and highly interactive training sessions…
Western Balkans // IPA2019 facilitates IATA training
CSCWB IPA2019 facilitates IATA training for…
Western Balkans // Enhancing travel security systems
On 24 and 25 January 2023, a third meeting of the Western Balkans
Tunesia // Shiraka trainings 2022 are completed!
Shiraka trainings of 2022 took part in Tunis…
Ukraine // Working visit by Ukrainian Court Presidents
Visit by 5 Courts from Ukraine to the Netherlands discussing procedural justice…