CILC is a member of the ICE consortium that was awarded the contract “Identification and Formulation mission for support to Justice delivery in Zambia under the 11th EDF” as part of the EU Framework Contract Lot 7. The contract foresees the provision of consulting services for the preparation of the new EU support programme for Zambia.
The EU Delegation in Zambia has identified support to justice delivery as a priority under the governance focal area of the Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) for Zambia of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF). Through the new programme the EU Delegation in Zambia is envisaging to broaden the scope of the collaboration to target both criminal and civil justice and to support legal and policy reforms. This may encompass organizational development advice, training, infrastructure improvements, support to legal and policy reforms, improvement of the M&E systems for justice sector change processes, improving case-flow management, etc. The support should primarily target vulnerable groups, such as women, children and population from rural areas and should have a strong human rights and gender approach.
The global objective of the contract is to support the EU in providing effective and cost efficient support for enhancing justice delivery in Zambia, by aligning the design of the support programme to relevant EU and Zambian guidelines, strategies and development plans. The specific objective of the contract is to identify and subsequently formulate a detailed programme design, including activities, expected results, implementation modalities, delivery mechanisms, budget estimates, and a logical framework.
The contract will be carried out in two phases:
- Assistance to the identification process – has started on 25 February 2014 and will last for 5,5 weeks
- Assistance to the formulation process – will start in September/October 2014
On 25 February 2014, CILC expert Servaas Feiertag started his first mission to Zambia, thereby kicking off the first phase of the contract.