The ‘Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans - IPA2019’ project, ending on 31 Dec 2023, aims to strengthen ties between Western Balkan prosecution offices, law enforcement, and European agencies.
On Friday 21 April, the Minister of Justice of Montenegro, Mr. Marko Kovač, signed the Judgments Convention during a festive ceremony at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands in The Hague.
That was the title of a 3-day workshop for 25 Slovenian prosecutors and organized by CILC. The Slovenian prosecution wants to adopt a more pro-active communication approach.
On 28 October 2021, the Mayor of The Hague received the first delegation that visited the Netherlands in the framework of a CILC project since the start of the pandemic.
Reforms of the justice system in the Republic of Albania were described as “revolutionary” and “courageous” by Dutch experts participating in a roundtable discussion in The Hague.
On 17 October 2019, familiar and new faces joined us at the Netherlands Supreme Court to celebrate 50 years of legal cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands.