In June 2019, CILC director Willem van Nieuwkerk visited Pristina to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with KPC Head Bahri Hyseni and Dutch Ambassador Gerrie Willems.
This year a prominent working session of the World Justice Forum held in May 2019 in The Hague was entitled “The Hague Rules: Improving International Dispute Resolution in the Field of Business and Human Rights”.
In December 2018, CILC was granted a new Nuffic project under the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) to train staff of the Directorate of Community Service (DCS) in Uganda.
On Thursday 3 May 2018, CILC had the honor of welcoming the Mayor of The Hague Pauline Krikke. The Mayor wanted to learn more about how CILC is promoting The Hague as the International City of Peace and Justice.
From 10-14 September, five judges from Amman's Central Economic Chamber visited the Netherlands to exchange knowledge on judicial systems, specialized chambers, and international arbitration.
Since the IPA2010 project ‘Fighting organized crime and corruption‘, CILC and GIZ have been supporting the authorities on Montenegro to establish closer cooperation with Eurojust.
Phase I of the project Peer 2 Peer 4 Justice Ukraine started. CILC and its Ukrainian partner organisation Centre for Judicial Studies implement this initiative that aims at strengthening the rule of law in the Lviv region.
CILC organised a seminar to discuss challenges and opportunities related to measuring the impact of rule of law initiatives on the 6th and 7th of October 2016 in The Hague.