Strengthening the role and use of jurisprudence in the Czech Republic

Themes: ,


Czech Republic: closed

Project description

CILC implemented this project from June 2003-May 2006, in consortium with the Dutch-Czech foundation EMP. Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Matra program, the project promoted the use of case law in Czech legal education and judicial practice. Activities in 2006 included curriculum development and teacher training for law faculties and the Judicial Academy of the Czech Republic, and training workshops for judges, lawyers and legal analysts. The final workshop was organized in February in cooperation with the law faculties of the University of West Bohemia in Plzen and Charles University in Prague. It dealt with intellectual property and European case law and was chaired by Prof. Frederik Willem Grosheide from Utrecht Law School. With support from the project the Brno-based law review Jurisprudence was developed into an independent, unsubsidised journal and published 22 issues on its improved website The final evaluation conference was held in March in Prague, in cooperation with the Judicial Academy and other project partners.


Project team

Niels Roovers

Project Manager

Kees Kouwenaar


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